Lachoo Memorial College
Lachoo Memorial College of Science & Technology AUTONOMOUS COLLEGE

Various Projects

Year Name Of Project Name Of Investigator
2012-2013 Investigation of Antioidant and Phyochemical properties of some unexplottedplants of Rajasthan ( Project Received From UGC ) Dr. Arti Paliwal
2012-2013 A Study on the Antiosident Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Properties of some native Mushrooms ( Project Received From UGC ) Dr. Aruna Bohra
2012-2013 Correlations analysis of rectivity in some Electron transfer Reactions ( Project Received From UGC ) Mr. Lokesh Mathur
2012-2013 Ojunction Solar Calls ( Project Received From UGC ) Dr. Dhiraj Saxena
2012-2013 Moniitoring the colour and fixing of the dyes to fabric by fluorometric technoique ( Project Received From UGC ) Dr. Poonam Gupta
2012-2013 Antimicrobial Activity of some Mannich basesbearing thiadiazole techoique ( Project Received From UGC ) Dr. Pratibha Bidawat
2012-2013 Defluoridation behaviour of pure Bentonite Clay & Aluminium hydroxide mixed Bentonite Clay with ( Project Received From UGC ) Dr. Kapil Gehlot
2012-2013 National Conference on Strategies and Trends in Open Source Applications Development ( Project Received From UGC ) Computer Science
2012-2013 MODROBS ( Project Received From AICTE ) Prof (Dr.) Rajeev Mathur
2012-2013 Addtional Grant to covered colleges (Capital Assets) - XI Plan ( Project Received From UGC ) Principal LMC
2011-2012 BSR ( Project Received From UGC ) Principal LMC
2011-2012 National Conference on the emergence of interdisiplionary Science ( Project Received From UGC ) Botany
2011-2012 Significances of artificial nutrients on the Development of Sarcophaga bravicornia a natural scavenger ( Project Received From UGC ) Dr. Ranjeeta Mathur
2011-2012 Studies of the various Bee Species on Vigna radiate ( Project Received From UGC ) Dr. Abhishek