Student Welfare
Scholarships from College (Applicable to regular students only)
- Harishchandra Mathur Scholarship of Rs 20,000 on merit-cum-need, to final year student only.
- Late Kapil Arora Memorial Scholarship of Rs 1000 to the student who has secured highest marks in 10+2.
- Late Yogesh and Kailash Memorial Scholarship of Rs 1000 on merit-cum need basis to student of BSc part I.
- Late Kapil Arora ‘Sonu’ Memorial Three Year Scholarship of Rs 1000 to the student of Mathematics.
- Late Shri B B Simlot Memorial merit-cum-need Scholarship to female of B.Sc. Part I.
- Vidya Kailash Memorial Trophy and prizes for excellent performance by student.
- Late Shri Motilal Rai Memorial merit-cum-need scholarship of Rs. 1500/-.