Lachoo Memorial College
Lachoo Memorial College of Science & Technology AUTONOMOUS COLLEGE

Editorial Advisors


An endeavor to explore new horizons of Management Research

A peer reviewed International Referred Bi-Annual Management Journal

ISSN 2231-0118

Shri Praveen Mathur
Shri Sachin Mathur
Prof. Dr. Rajeev Mathur
Prof. Gulab Singh Chouhan
Vice Chancellor,
Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur.
Prof. Karunesh Saxena
Dean, Faculty of Management
Studies, M.L.S. University, Udaipur
Chief Editor
Dr. Akhil Mathur
David L. Rowland
Associate Provost & Dean
The Graduate School and
Office of Continuing Education,
Valparaiso University, USA
Dr. Narendra Kothari
Associate Professor & Co-ordinator
Ph.D. Program, Department of Finance,
Faculty of Business, Preston University,
Ajman (UAE)
Dr. Vandana Gupta
Prof. Renu Juneja
Associate Provost, Professor
Department of English
Valparaiso University, USA
Jaishanker Raman
Associate Professor,
Department of Economics
Valparaiso University, USA
Associate Editors
Dr. Rashmi Mathur
Dr. Ayushi Mathur
Dr. Arti Khanchandani
Dr. Abhilasha Mathur
Dr. Ismail Ali Siad
Director, MBA Program
ABAC Graduate School of
Business, Assumption
University, Bangkok
Moayyed Gilitwalla
Director, MBA Special Track
ABAC Graduate School of Business
Assumption University,
  Sandeep Gupta
Eezy Funda, Delhi
Prof. Dr. Shishupal Singh Bhadu
Department of Management
Studies, J.N.V. University, Jodhpur
  Prof. Hemant Kothari
Dean, P.G. Studies,
Pacific University, Udaipur
Dr. Neeraj Anand
Head, L.S.C.M., R.M.Q.T.,
University of Petroleum & Energy Studies,