Editorial Advisors

An endeavor to explore new horizons of Management Research
A peer reviewed International Referred Bi-Annual Management Journal
ISSN 2231-0118
Patrons Shri Praveen Mathur Shri Sachin Mathur Prof. Dr. Rajeev Mathur |
Prof. Gulab Singh Chouhan Vice Chancellor, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur. |
Prof. Karunesh Saxena Dean, Faculty of Management Studies, M.L.S. University, Udaipur |
Chief Editor Dr. Akhil Mathur |
David L. Rowland Associate Provost & Dean The Graduate School and Office of Continuing Education, Valparaiso University, USA |
Dr. Narendra Kothari Associate Professor & Co-ordinator Ph.D. Program, Department of Finance, Faculty of Business, Preston University, Ajman (UAE) |
Editor Dr. Vandana Gupta |
Prof. Renu Juneja Associate Provost, Professor Department of English Valparaiso University, USA |
Jaishanker Raman Associate Professor, Department of Economics Valparaiso University, USA |
Associate Editors Dr. Rashmi Mathur Dr. Ayushi Mathur Dr. Arti Khanchandani Dr. Abhilasha Mathur |
Dr. Ismail Ali Siad Director, MBA Program ABAC Graduate School of Business, Assumption University, Bangkok |
Moayyed Gilitwalla Director, MBA Special Track ABAC Graduate School of Business Assumption University, Bangkok |
Sandeep Gupta Director, Eezy Funda, Delhi |
Prof. Dr. Shishupal Singh Bhadu Head, Department of Management Studies, J.N.V. University, Jodhpur |
Prof. Hemant Kothari Dean, P.G. Studies, Pacific University, Udaipur |
Dr. Neeraj Anand Head, L.S.C.M., R.M.Q.T., University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradoon |